lundi 24 juin 2013

How to make straight hair curly in men

How to make straight hair curly in men
natural curls 2. image by mdb from
From runways to the streets, men can be seen sporting wavy and curly locks. Most people aren't born with perfectly formed curls, but if you're a man you don't have to spend your days longing for curly hair. With the right tools, products and proper technique, any man can get the curls he wants.
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Things you need

  • Curl-enhancing shampoo
  • Curl-enhancing conditioner
  • Comb
  • Leave-in conditioner
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  1. 1
    Use a curl-enhancing shampoo. If you're trying to coax your hair into becoming curlier, use the proper cleansing products. Use a shampoo and conditioner designed specifically for curly hair. Often, these products contain frizz-fighting ingredients and curl-enhancing chemicals that will help bring out the underlying curl in your hair and hold it in place. Redken's Fresh Curls keeps curly hair frizz-free and has a light scent. If you're a simple guy, try Nutra Care Wash 'N Curl shampoo. This single-step cleanser will leave your hair soft and curly.
  2. 2
    Use specific styling products for men. When you're trying to make your hair curly, focus on products that provide hold and shine. If you're drying your hair and then using other appliances to add curls, apply a leave-in conditioner followed by mousse throughout your hair. Continue with the styling process. If you're air-drying your hair to get curls, apply a small amount of leave-in conditioner. Bend over so that your hair dangles down and scrunch mousse into your hair. Then spritz your hair with curl-enhancing spray and continue scrunching until you achieve the look you're after. Paul Mitchell and J. Crew have styling products geared toward the needs of men. These products often have a manly scent, as opposed to other fruity-smelling styling products.
  3. 3
    Limit the use of certain styling tools. If you want to have a curly style, lay off certain heated appliances; these break curl formation and leave hair straight. The main tool to abandon for a while is the flat iron. Periodically, it's OK to straighten your hair with a flat iron to reduce frizz and seal the cuticle. However, regular use of a flat iron will have a negative effect on curl formation and hold, so minimise your usage as much as possible. In addition, try to break yourself of brushing your hair when you get out of the shower. This will hinder curl formation and leave your hair a frizzy mess. Because many men can get away with tousled-looking curls that look slightly messy, take advantage of it. Many women consider this look to be sexy.
  4. 4
    Use heated appliances or curlers. If your hair won't hold a curl with the scrunch and air-dry method, you still have a few more options. Curling irons, sponge curlers and heated curlers can give you the curls you want. Some men may feel like they look feminine with curlers in their hair, but the result will be well worth it. Because many men have short hair, curling irons are the top choice when it comes to heated appliances, although you'll need to learn how to properly operate them. If you have long hair and want soft curls, opt for heated curlers or sponge curlers. Before using a curling iron or hot curlers, spritz your hair with a flexible-hold hairspray, then put the curler in your hair or use the iron to curl the piece of hair. If using sponge curlers, make sure your hair is completely dry before using them.
  5. 5
    Get a perm. If none of the above methods work to give you the curls you want, take a more permanent approach. Go to a hairstylist who specialises in men's hair and get a perm. Be picky about the stylist you choose because if he doesn't have experience doing perms on men, you may not get the results you want. The price will vary depending on your hair type and length, but the results will be permanent. When choosing to get a perm, there are a few things you must understand. Perms are a permanent solution, and it takes time to reverse them. In addition, perms are a chemical process and will damage your hair. You'll need to invest in proper hair care products to take care of your hair and minimise breakage. Take the time to pamper your hair and treat your locks to keep them in great shape.

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