lundi 24 juin 2013

3 Awesome Tips for Curly Hair Men

Curly Hair Men need knowledge because with knowledge comes power. Having a curly mane is all about knowledge and Rogelio, as usual, gives curly men the tips to rocking a curly mane to be proud of! 
It doesn’t matter what sort of curly hair type you have, the more you know about your mane the better. As the years have gone by, I have acquired so much hair knowledge that even if 10 years ago I only knew 10% of what I now know, I’d be a happy curly camper. The point of life is maximizing time (after all, time is the only thing you will never get back) so I want to give you guys with curly hair some of my 3 tips to take that mane by the horns and ride it like I do it, awesome style!

1) Awesome Tip for Curly Hair Men
“Your hair is a part of you”
Let’s start with a philosophical-type tip. Listen curly dude, your curls, waves and kinks are something you were born with. Unless you want to wait until mankind finds a way to alter the body’s genetic makeup, you should start accepting what you have. Curly hair is just as awesome as straight hair and, as you have seen so far in my blog, you can do a lot of things with it. From an alpha Caesar Cut hairstyle to growing an Afro to letting your curly hair down and growing it to Shoulder Length, curly hair is a versatile beast that all it needs is some loving to look the part.
Don’t be that guy who walks about in life with a buzz cut because he doesn’t know what to do with his curly hair. A buzz cutshould be one of the many curly hair weapons in your arsenal, not an imposition. Get on with the program and rock your curly hair like we do at Manly Curls (shame on you if you haven’t been reading frequently and learnt all the styling options I have been writing about!).

2) Awesome Tip for Curly Hair Men
“Stop shampooing those curl so much”
I have written about this before and even experimented with my curly mane in the name of pioneering the movement of curly hair men. Conventional shampoos used on a daily basis are one of the worst things you can do to your curly hair (the other one is being a fan of Lady Gaga).
Stop shampooing every day and experiment with frequency of shampoo use. I always recommend curly fellas to start with 3 days shampoo/1 day no shampoo, that is, skip the shampoo every 4th day. From there onward, decrease frequency of shampoo further or maybe increase it to skipping the shampoo every 5th day. Curly hair is naturally predisposed to being dry due to the difficulty that scalp sebum has in travelling through the hair shaft. Shampoos obliterate the sebum already coating your hair and will instantly make your hair dry.

3) Awesome Tip for Curly Hair Men
“Be patient with curly hair”
I get a lot of emails from curly men asking about how my hair hangs down and why do their curls and kinks puff out and never get to hang down. There is a lot to this but, in a nutshell, curly hair needs weight to hang down. You can add weight to your curls by:
- Using hair products: conditioners will add weight to your curly hair and help them hang down. So will hair gels but conditioners will allow the curly hair to hang loosely as opposed to keeping them stiff as gels and waxes do.
- Relaxing the hair: if you have very kinky hair (Type V), the fast way to have your curls hanging down is by perming them (i.e a Jhery curl hairstyle aka Jerry Curl). Be aware though that perming or treating your hair will damage it and cause it to become dry and brittle. An example of the Jheri curl is Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction.
- Growing your hair longer: the tighter your hair type (Type IV and V) the more length it will need to hang down. I haveType III hair and it took for my hair to reach about 7 inches before it would start hanging down, and it wasn’t until it reached 10 inches that it would loosely hang down. Check out my article on the Shoulder Length hairstyle as I talk there about the different lengths required for curly hair to reach this hairstyle (and, thus, start hanging down).

Curly hair is awesome, really, it is. At Manly Curls we are proud of being men with curly hair and leading this movement. Do yourself a favor and start, today, applying these awesome tips for curly hair men because, curly brother, curly hair is not a hairstyle, it’s a lifestyle!
All the best.

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